Is logo = brand?
Why do you feel this tingling sense of trust when you look at Apple's logo?
Why do you feel this tingling sense of trust when you look at Apple's logo?
Is it because of how the logo is shaped?
I would also argue that if you never use Apple's products, you'd feel something else. Maybe you associate Apple as "overpriced."
The logo is not a brand.
The logo is a symbol, it is trivial. In fact, most brands we care about have weird logos. Oh, let’s build a multi-billion dollar company that serves coffee. Let’s put a mermaid in the logo. How is that make any sense?
The brand is what you say.
The brand is something people expect or associate with.
It's funny how much the product experience can affect our perception of a certain brand. The brand is the instinctual feeling when people see your logo or product. You build it for years and years.
You can't just create a brand overnight.
Prompt: Find a logo that is surprisingly ridiculous from the brand we care about. Post them in the comment section.
P.S. Actually, it’s a Siren. Folks who founded Starbucks looked at the old marine books and they found Siren. It resonates with them and they take that as an inspiration.